Hampton Ridge Swim Club Rules and Regulations

  • Please read and review these rules with your family.
  • These rules will be strictly enforced.
  • The violation of any rule may result in the loss of pool privileges for the remainder of the day at the discretion of the pool attendant.
  • Serious or repeated violations may result in the loss of pool privileges for an indefinite period of time at the discretion of the Hampton Ridge Swim and Racquet Club, Inc. Board of Directors.
  1. Pool Hours are 10:00am – 8:00pm from May 21st through Sept 19th.
  2. Pool property has a video surveillance system installed.
  3. The pool and deck area will be evacuated during any emergency situation or lightning and thunder. Members and their guests may re-enter the pool 30 minutes after the last heard thunderclap. The pool may be closed due to inclement weather, maintenance or other problems at the discretion of the pool manager or the Board of Directors. Advance notice will be given whenever possible.
  4. Running, pushing, wrestling or other forms of horseplay are prohibited in or around the pool and may result in the suspension of privileges.
  5. Individuals causing disruptive behavior will be asked to stop, leave immediately or be given time out. Any individual requiring discipline more than two times within the same day will lose pool privileges for the remainder of that day.
  6. Cursing and profanity are prohibited.
  7. Smoking is prohibited on Hampton Ridge Swim Club property.
  8. No one under the age of 21 may consume alcoholic beverages within the Hampton Ridge Swim Club, Inc. premises. Any individuals abusing this privilege by being under age will be asked to leave immediately and may result in the suspension of privileges. Anyone found to be intoxicated even if of the legal age limit for alcoholic consumption will be asked to leave immediately.
  9. No glass containers are permitted within the pool property area including within and outside of the fence area and the surrounding property.
  10. No one shall possess illegal substances within the Hampton Ridge Swim and Racquet Club, Inc. premises. Any individuals in violation of this rule will be asked to leave immediately and may result in the suspension of privileges.
  11. No one with any known or suspected contagious disease or skin lesions will be allowed to enter the pool without a doctor’s written permission that includes the current date.
  12. The Hampton Ridge Neighbors Homeowners Association and the Hampton Ridge Swim Club, Inc. as well as their Board of Directors will not be held liable for injuries.
  13. Willful damage to the pool, clubhouse, tennis courts or any adjoining property owned by the Hampton Ridge Swim Club, Inc. by a member or their invited guest will be cause to charge the responsible member the costs to repair such damage(s). Members are responsible for the actions of their invited guests.
  14. Children under the age of 16 may be required to pass a proficiency test in order to be allowed to swim in the deeper end of the pool. The proficiency test shall be the standard test provided by the Red Cross. If the child passes the test, he/she will not be required to prove themselves again for that year.
  15. Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied at all times by an adult in and out of the pool.
  16. Life jackets or children’s safety floatation devices will be permitted only when a child is accompanied by a responsible adult, within arm’s reach, in the shallow parts of the pool only (2 ½ – 4 feet).
  17. Children still wearing diapers or that are not completely Potty trained are required to wear swim pants and a plastic diaper under their swim cloths. This is in accordance with NC Health department Codes.
  18. If an accident should occur, please quickly remove the child from the pool and notify the Pool Management Company immediately. This child should be required to wear plastic pants until such time the child displays control over bodily functions.
  19. The pool is for the exclusive use of members and their invited guests only.
  20. Baby sitters may be recognized as an exception to the guest fee rile provided that this privilege is not abused. If the child’s parents are present at the pool then the babysitter is considered to be a paying guest. The babysitter must be registered with the pool in advance.
  21. No pets are allowed in or around the pool area.
  22. Proper swim attire is required. No cut off shorts are allowed in the pool.
  23. No bicycles, roller blades, roller skates or skateboards are allowed inside the pool, clubhouse or tennis areas.
  24. Any individual bringing a radio into the pool area is requested to be considerate of those individuals around them.
  25. Picnics and snacks are allowed in the pool area, but no gum, food, or drinks are allowed in the pool itself. Please dispose of all food and trash from tables, chairs and surrounding areas before you leave.
  26. The Pool Management company or Board of Directors are not responsible for the loss of personal belongings on the premises.
  27. The telephone is required by NC state law for emergency purposes. Usage for purposes other than emergencies is permitted provided that the call is local and restricted to two minutes. Phone usage is a privilege and will be denied to anyone abusing it.
  28. An “Exception to the Rules and Regulations” form may be obtained from the Board of Directors if a legitimate reason is found to provide this form. A legitimate reason of why a rule may be an exception will be requested along with any other required documentation including a swim proficiency test.
  29. These pool rules and regulations can be amended at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  30. Hampton Ridge Swim Club Pool Admittance Rules
    1. THE POOL IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF HAMPTON RIDGE SWIM CLUB MEMBERS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY! Proof of membership will be on file at all times at the entrance to the pool.
    3. Children under the age of 12 MUST be accompanied by a RELATIVE at least 16 years of age unless prior arrangements have been made with another adult member or a babysitter who is at least 16 years of age.
    4. Each family may bring up to 5 guests to the pool. Special arrangements may be made for more guests. Please contact the Board of Directors.
    5. Constructive criticism and suggestions regarding operations, rules and personnel should be made in writing. The Board of Directors will address each issue and try to work out a solution without compromising the rules, safety or fairness to other members. Please email hamptonridge.info@gmail.com
  31. The Board of Directors has the right to terminate a membership for noncompliance to rules and policies without a refund.